Творческие методы виртуальной реальности: психолого- педагогические ресурсы

  • Екинцев Владислав Иванович

    Vladislav I. Ekintsev. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia


Abstract. The article is devoted to the psychological and pedagogical resources that open up for a professional teacher in connection with new technologies in education. The role of nonverbal communication in education, pedagogical activity, and semantic transmission is shown. The
teacher's function as an intermediary is presented in the context of mastering transcommunication, including through technical means. Systems of creative nonverbal virtual reality methods in teaching, including expert systems for recognizing elements of behavior and gestures, create new psychological spaces for self-healing, self-disclosure of human abilities. Modern education is characterized by a transition to multidimensionality, transcommunication and creativity. The formation of post-non-classical creative teaching methods in virtual reality is discussed. The psychological, pedagogical and technological approaches to the use of virtual reality methods in teaching are analyzed.
Keywords: creative technologies in education, teacher, interactive technologies, virtual reality, self-disclosure of student's abilities.